Tag Archives: Marca Peru

August 23, 2012: El Comercio

The Thousand Word Edition

Thursday’s edition of Peru’s El Comercio had two pictures in it that I wished to share.

The Height Signs Are There For a Reason
The city of Lima has two main highways. To be honest, I should remove the modifier “main” from the previous sentence, because the City of Kings really only has a pair of highways. Most of the asphalt-covered roadways in Lima are streets controlled by stoplights. Only a pair of highways (to my knowledge) are similar to the freeways and highways I know of in the United States. That duo are Paseo de la Republica and La Via de Envitamiento (which is Lima’s portion of the Pan-American Highway).

I can only imagine the traffic chaos that ensued after this happened on La Via Envitamiento…

Photo of truck mishap in El Comercio


A truck attempted to go under a bridge, but its load was higher than the clearance. So, load hits bridge and load falls off truck. In the left of the picture you can see the yellow of a bulldozer attempting to put the load back on the truck. Not quite sure how this story ended because it’s not as if the truck could go under the bridge again.

Maybe they let air out of the tires.

The Peru Campaign
An article in the Economia section of the paper had this picture featuring a quartet of historical indigenous Peruvian people.

Photo for new Peru ad campaign

No, I can’t name them all

The article was about a new campaign by Prom-Peru to advertise the country of Peru to the world as a tourist destination.

The new campaign is entitled “Empire of Hidden Treasures” and the first commercial can be found here.

(Yes, it actually starts off the phrase, “In a world…”)

Prom-Peru has another commercial in this line with the tagline of “Don’t watch the movie. Live it for real!” that seems more focused on all the creature comforts a visitor to Peru can expect.

Creativity abounds when it comes to marketing this country.

Marca Peru (the organization that brands and markets Peru) created a pair of short movies where citizens of Peru travel to Peru, Nebrasksa and Loreto, Italy (Loreto is a district of Peru) to show those locales the wonders of Peru.

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Posted by on August 28, 2012 in El Comercio, Newspaper, Peru


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